As an avid golfer and occasional instructor, I’ve noticed that many golfers understand the concept of an inside-out golf swing but have trouble executing it. In this article, I’ll explain what the inside-out swing is, why it’s effective, and provide some drills to help you learn it.
What Is An Inside Out Golf Swing?
As an amateur golfer, I used to struggle with swinging “over the top” and slicing drives off the course. Then I learned about the inside out golf swing.
This technique has the club approaching the ball from inside your target line, then extending slightly outside it after impact. It’s a subtle movement, not a dramatic in-to-out swing. But it keeps the club connected to your body for solid contact and maximum control.
When executed properly, an inside out swing makes it feel like the club just “drops into a slot” at the top of your backswing, creating an effortless motion through the ball. If you can repeat this slotting move and inside path, your ball-striking and consistency will improve dramatically.
Why To Swing Inside Out?
As an amateur golfer, I used to come over the top and hit weak fades or big slices. But learning to swing inside-out was a game-changer for my ball-striking and consistency. Here’s why it’s so effective:
More Distance
Swinging from an inside-out path lets you compress the ball perfectly with the clubface square at impact. You hit the sweet spot consistently, launching laser-straight shots that carry far and roll out even further. My distance increased substantially when I started grooving an inside-out move.
Keeping the club connected to your body keeps your bigger muscles in control rather than just hands and arms. With your elbows tucked in, there’s less room for error and straying off the plane. My misses shrunk drastically when I learned to swing inside-out because of the added control and repeatability it provides.
Control Of The Ball
An inside-out path makes shot-shaping much easier. With a neutral path, I can hit fades, draws and anything in between by just tweaking my clubface angle slightly.
It’s much harder to control curvature when your path and face are out of sync from an “over the top” move. The control from inside-out swinging is extremely useful.
Inside-out ball-striking optimized my impact conditions for more distance, improved my consistency dramatically, and gave me better control to shape shots intentionally.
That’s why it’s absolutely worth the effort to learn this technique if you’re struggling from over the top like I was. Trust me, your buddies will be begging for swing tips after they see your results!
How To Hit The Ball Inside Out
Learning to swing inside-out finally gave me consistent ball-striking. Here are some keys to grooving an inside-out swing path:
Initiate an early shoulder turn to start the backswing while maintaining a low club path close to the ground. This establishes an inside approach right from the takeaway rather than coming over the top. Keeping the club low and close early is crucial.
As you reach the top of the backswing, allow your arms to fall into a “slot” position where the right elbow points down toward the right hip. Slotting the club properly like this gets the club on the perfect plane to swing from the inside on the downswing.
Shift your weight and clear your hips on the downswing to begin uncoiling your body. Keep your arms connected to your body and let them fully extend outward toward your target side as you make an impact with the ball.
When performed correctly, shots will start slightly right of the target and draw back, which is the standard inside-out ball flight. Mastering it takes work but pays off through consistent ball-striking!
Drills For Inside Out Golf Swing
The inside out swing has you approaching the ball from inside your target line, then letting the clubhead exit slightly outside it after impact. It’s a subtle move, but it keeps the club connected to your body for solid contact.
When you slot the club properly at the top and swing from the inside, it just feels effortless through the ball. Your misses get smaller, and you compress the ball better for more distance. Here are some great drills I’ve used to ingrain that inside-out feel:
Headcover Drill
Place a headcover outside the ball aligned with your target. Attempt to swing and make contact without hitting the headcover. If you do hit it, it indicates your swing is coming from too far outside. Provides instant feedback and really trains you to narrow out your downswing path.
Towel Drill
Pin a golf towel securely under your right arm, then keep it pinned there throughout your swing. If the towel drops at any point, it shows you’re casting the club and losing that vital connection. Keeping it pinned ensures you stay connected for an inside swing path.
Visualize The Target Line
Visualize an extension of your target line running behind the ball back towards the tee. Picture throwing the club just slightly right of that line, then letting your arms fully extend to the left of the line after impact. Powerful visualization for proper path and ball flight.
Extension Drill
Make practice swings using only your trail arm. Feel it staying connected to your body on the backswing, then throw it outward toward your target on the follow-through. Promotes the proper sequencing for an inside-out swing.
Mastering the feel of an inside-out golf swing takes practice but is worth the effort. When you drop the club into the slot and let your arms extend after impact, you’ll hit longer, more consistent shots with control over your ball flight.
Use these drills and swing thoughts, and you’ll be swinging from the inside out like a pro in no time. Your buddies will think you’ve been taking secret lessons! Let me know if these tips help you improve your ball-striking and shot-shaping. Nothing beats striping a high, beautiful draw down the middle of the fairway.
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