Surely, there are a lot of core skills in order to master the overall game of golf. One that definitely makes the list of importance is hitting off the tee.
As you may know, being proficient with that skill is the key to improving your driving skills. With that said, let’s take a look at a number of golf driving tips and strategies that may help you get some more distance and of course, gain better control of the ball and its flight.
Setup is the Key

To start us off, let’s analyze the common tendencies of golfers.
The majority of players have a motive behind looking at golf driving tips. This motive, or reason, is for them to improve their distance and accuracy as a player, which is undoubtedly beneficial.
Through a greater distance, the possibilities of achieving birdie or eagle highly increase. And on other hand, better accuracy allows a player to keep the ball in play without losing any strokes due to wayward hooks and slices.
Now that we have shown you the importance of gaining distance and accuracy, we will let you in on how.
As a golfer, your set up must be correct in order to achieve both, distance and accuracy. On the tee, you should get into an athletic stance when you get up to address the ball. An athletic stance is assumed by keeping your feet, shoulder-width apart, and also allowing for a significant amount of flex in your knees.
Speed + Knees
We are aware that you are here with the hopes of learning how else to reach the optimal distance.
Maximizing the club head speed is one of the keys to increasing your distance. Whilst maximizing the speed, you would also be allowing your body to coil and uncoil with a smooth transition. And remember, increasing the speed and incorporating the coil motion is impossible without the presence of a flex in your knees.
With that said, you should note that one of the best golf driving tips is remembering to flex your knees during your setup and stance at address. If you do not apply this adjustment, the posture of standing too tall will cost you a great amount of power and distance that could have been a part of your swing and shot.
Play It Forward
Speaking of your set up, here is another tip regarding it.
As the player, you should make sure to play the ball forward as a part of your set up. By incorporating the proper stance at this stage, the ball will be closer to your leading foot, and not directly in the center. It is also important to note that the leading foot will vary between right-handed and left-handed players.
However, going back to the ball and its placement, this adjustment will help the club initiate contact with the ball on the proper path and up into the air to take flight.

Use the Hips
With our dedication laying into helping golfers, we want to delve into the tips that go unmentioned and overlooked.
One of the lesser known golf driving tips is that your backswing should begin with your hips, and your hands.
In fact, turning your hips properly is a key element in achieving the optimal distance off the tee, as it is also the power source. When your hips completely turn, your hands, arms, and upper body will naturally follow.
Just because you initiate it with your backswing, it doesn’t mean it all stops there.
The importance of the complete, smooth hip turn continues as a player reaches the top of their backswing, which is unique to a person. In other words, you should let your hips begin the downswing as well, and then followed by your hands.
Once you have successfully mastered the proper, necessary rotation of your hips through consistent practice, you will definitely notice a significant amount of improvement in the distance you reach.
Keep it Square
Now that we have covered distance, it is time to look into accuracy.
When it comes to golf driving tips for creating accuracy in your shot, nothing is more important than having your hands follow the club head at the moment of impact with the ball. Specifically, your hands should keep the club face square as it strikes the ball. Without a square club face, you will get a curve ball or a flawed shot, like a slice or hook.
Check the Grip
On the topic of flawed shots, this is one for those who often suffer from them.
If you frequently notice that your shots are sliced or hooked, it is a good idea to take a look at your grip. If it is too strong and tight or too weak and loose, the club face will not be square as it makes contact with the ball. For the best results, your grip should be neutral and there are ways to check for this.
Deviating from this will cause the club face to open or close, and no one wants that.

Stance is Important
Another of the best golf driving tips is to maintain a square stance as you address the ball. There may be times when you need to open or close your stance by moving your forward foot up or back, but a square stance, where both feet are in line with the target, is generally best. The same applies to your hips and shoulders.
Keep your body square with the target and you will soon notice an improvement in your accuracy.
Experiment with Clubs
Finally, you may want to experiment with one of the newer 460 cc drivers. These clubs are heavier than traditional drivers and have larger club heads. The last of our golf driving tips applies to those who will try a bigger driver, but remember to practice with it! These clubs require some new skills to be learned, and this will not happen until you spend some hours on the range.
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