Imagine this: You are feeling good about the upcoming round of golf, your attire is freshly pressed, you have eaten sensibly beforehand, and suddenly, low and behold the dreaded shakes start taking hold just as you’re about to hit your first drive.
Now stop imagining! You must be thinking, “Oh! This sounds relatable” or “Oh! I’ve been there!”
This is the problem the majority of us golfers face. But, worry no more. Today, we have some tips and ideas on how to overcome nerves on the first tee.
Nerves and Jitters on the Golf Course are Common
Here’s a quick medical lesson for you. Nerves are completely natural. They are the body’s way of telling us that something big, important, or dangerous is about to happen. One scientific reason behind nerves and jitters is that our adrenal glands release adrenaline and divert our stomach blood vessels away from their normal function, so when they constrict it gives us the nervous feeling.
How to Control Nerves in Golf
So, how can we overcome these feelings of anxiety, stress, and nervousness and hit a good first tee shot? Well! Here’s how:
Just relax and be confident. Easier said than done, right? But you can achieve a calm mind if you follow the steps mentioned below, believe in yourself, and focus on the fresh air around you:
Believe it or not, nerves are a good sign. It shows that you care. Nerves can help you prepare psychologically for the task ahead. Even touring professionals have had to learn how to overcome nerves on the first tee, and you can too.
“If you don’t feel nervous, that means you don’t care about how you play“, says Tiger Wood.
Here are a few things you can do to stay relaxed:
1. Prepare:
- Make sure you are completely focused on golf by giving yourself a good head start.
- Eat a balanced meal beforehand for sufficient energy.
- Keep yourself well hydrated.
- Ensure that your clubs, balls, and shoes are all clean and functional. Taking pride in your golf equipment means you can rely on it to function properly.
- Make sure you have the right equipment for the conditions. It helps if you can stay as dry as possible if there’s a chance of rain as it gives you one less thing to worry about.
2. Visualize:
Once you arrive at the course the nerves might start jingling. So, start to visualize a good round of golf. Set your mind straight and think positively.
3. Stay Positive
- Remember the fundamentals you’ve been practicing. From the stance, the grip, and the swing to the striking of your ball.
- Make sure you don’t go overboard with your shots. Know your limitations and don’t try and smash a 300-yard drive down the fairway if that’s something you realistically can’t do. Play within yourself!
4. Stay Positive
- Again, if you start to feel a bit jittery, control your nerves on the first tee by staying relaxed. Channel your nerves by picturing a good shot and following a solid pre-shot routine.
- Once it’s your turn to tee off try and ignore any spectators. Switch your mind to your shot. Take your stance and relax your shoulders.
- Always always take a couple of practice swings.
5. Control Your Breathing
Remember to control your breathing and take your time. A rushed golf shot will likely find the rough or worse.
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